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基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)








基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)


基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)




基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)


基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)




基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)


基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)


基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)



基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)


基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)


基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)


基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)

基于OpenHarmony 系統(tǒng)通過S7協(xié)議讀取西門子PLC數(shù)據(jù)-開源基礎(chǔ)軟件社區(qū)

#include #include #include "snap7/snap7.h"#include "snap7/client.h"#include "hilog/log.h"#ifdef OS_WINDOWS# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN# include #endif     TS7Client *Client; byte Buffer[65536]; // 64 K buffer     int SampleDBNum = 1000;     char *Address = "";     // PLC IP Address     int Rack = 0,Slot = 1; // Default Rack and Slot     int ok = 0; // Number of test pass     int ko = 0; // Number of test failure     bool JobDone=false;     int JobResult=0;//------------------------------------------------------------------------------//  Async completion callback //------------------------------------------------------------------------------// This is a simply text demo, we use callback only to set an internal flag...void S7API CliCompletion(void *usrPtr, int opCode, int opResult){    JobResult=opResult;    JobDone = true;}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// SysSleep (copied from snap_sysutils.cpp) multiplatform millisec sleep//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void SysSleep(longword Delay_ms){#ifdef OS_WINDOWS    Sleep(Delay_ms);#else    struct timespec ts;    ts.tv_sec = (time_t)(Delay_ms / 1000);    ts.tv_nsec =(long)((Delay_ms - ts.tv_sec) * 1000000);    nanosleep(&ts, (struct timespec *)0);#endif}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------//  Usage Syntax//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void Usage(){    printf("Usage\n");    printf("  client  [Rack=0 Slot=2]\n");    printf("Example\n");    printf("  client 0 2\n");    printf("or\n");    printf("  client\n");    getchar();}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// hexdump, a very nice function, it"s not mine.// I found it on the net somewhere some time ago... thanks to the author ;-)//------------------------------------------------------------------------------#ifndef HEXDUMP_COLS#define HEXDUMP_COLS 16#endifvoid hexdump(void *mem, unsigned int len){        unsigned int i, j;        for(i = 0; i < len + ((len % HEXDUMP_COLS) ? (HEXDUMP_COLS - len % HEXDUMP_COLS) : 0); i++)        {                /* print offset */                if(i % HEXDUMP_COLS == 0)                {                        printf("0x%04x: ", i);                }                /* print hex data */                if(i < len)                {                        printf("%02x ", 0xFF & ((char*)mem)[i]);                }                else /* end of block, just aligning for ASCII dump */                {                        printf("   ");                }                /* print ASCII dump */                if(i % HEXDUMP_COLS == (HEXDUMP_COLS - 1))                {                        for(j = i - (HEXDUMP_COLS - 1); j <= i; j++)                        {                                if(j >= len) /* end of block, not really printing */                                {                                        putchar(" ");                                }                                else if(isprint((((char*)mem)[j] & 0x7F))) /* printable char */                                {                                        putchar(0xFF & ((char*)mem)[j]);                                }                                else /* other char */                                {                                        putchar(".");                                }                        }                        putchar("\n");                }        }}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Check error//------------------------------------------------------------------------------bool Check(int Result, const char * function){    printf("\n");    printf("+-----------------------------------------------------\n");    printf("| %s\n",function);    printf("+-----------------------------------------------------\n");    if (Result==0) {        printf("| Result         : OK\n");        printf("| Execution time : %d ms\n",Client->ExecTime());        printf("+-----------------------------------------------------\n");        ok++;    }    else {        printf("| ERROR !!! \n");        if (Result<0)            printf("| Library Error (-1)\n");        else            printf("| %s\n",CliErrorText(Result).c_str());        printf("+-----------------------------------------------------\n");        ko++;    }    return Result==0;}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Multi Read//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void MultiRead(){     // Multiread buffers     byte MB[16]; // 16 Merker bytes     byte EB[16]; // 16 Digital Input bytes     byte AB[16]; // 16 Digital Output bytes     word TM[8];  // 8 timers     word CT[8];  // 8 counters     // Prepare struct     TS7DataItem Items[5];     // NOTE : *AMOUNT IS NOT SIZE* , it"s the number of items     // Merkers     Items[0].Area     =S7AreaMK;     Items[0].WordLen  =S7WLByte;     Items[0].DBNumber =0;        // Don"t need DB     Items[0].Start    =0;        // Starting from 0     Items[0].Amount   =16;       // 16 Items (bytes)     Items[0].pdata    =&MB;     // Digital Input bytes     Items[1].Area     =S7AreaPE;     Items[1].WordLen  =S7WLByte;     Items[1].DBNumber =0;        // Don"t need DB     Items[1].Start    =0;        // Starting from 0     Items[1].Amount   =16;       // 16 Items (bytes)     Items[1].pdata    =&EB;     // Digital Output bytes     Items[2].Area     =S7AreaPA;     Items[2].WordLen  =S7WLByte;     Items[2].DBNumber =0;        // Don"t need DB     Items[2].Start    =0;        // Starting from 0     Items[2].Amount   =16;       // 16 Items (bytes)     Items[2].pdata    =&AB;     // Timers     Items[3].Area     =S7AreaTM;     Items[3].WordLen  =S7WLTimer;     Items[3].DBNumber =0;        // Don"t need DB     Items[3].Start    =0;        // Starting from 0     Items[3].Amount   =8;        // 8 Timers     Items[3].pdata    =&TM;     // Counters     Items[4].Area     =S7AreaCT;     Items[4].WordLen  =S7WLCounter;     Items[4].DBNumber =0;        // Don"t need DB     Items[4].Start    =0;        // Starting from 0     Items[4].Amount   =8;        // 8 Counters     Items[4].pdata    =&CT;     int res=Client->ReadMultiVars(&Items[0],5);     if (Check(res,"Multiread Vars"))     {        // Result of Client->ReadMultivars is the "global result" of        // the function, it"s OK if something was exchanged.        // But we need to check single Var results.        // Let shall suppose that we ask for 5 vars, 4 of them are ok but        // the 5th is inexistent, we will have 4 results ok and 1 not ok.        printf("Dump MB0..MB15 - Var Result : %d\n",Items[0].Result);        if (Items[0].Result==0)            hexdump(&MB,16);        printf("Dump EB0..EB15 - Var Result : %d\n",Items[1].Result);        if (Items[1].Result==0)            hexdump(&EB,16);        printf("Dump AB0..AB15 - Var Result : %d\n",Items[2].Result);        if (Items[2].Result==0)            hexdump(&AB,16);        printf("Dump T0..T7 - Var Result : %d\n",Items[3].Result);        if (Items[3].Result==0)            hexdump(&TM,16);         // 8 Timers -> 16 bytes        printf("Dump Z0..Z7 - Var Result : %d\n",Items[4].Result);        if (Items[4].Result==0)            hexdump(&CT,16);         // 8 Counters -> 16 bytes     };}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// List blocks in AG//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void ListBlocks(){    TS7BlocksList List;    int res=Client->ListBlocks(&List);    if (Check(res,"List Blocks in AG"))    {        printf("  OBCount  : %d\n",List.OBCount);    printf("  FBCount  : %d\n",List.FBCount);   printf("  FCCount  : %d\n",List.FCCount);   printf("  SFBCount : %d\n",List.SFBCount);   printf("  SFCCount : %d\n",List.SFCCount);   printf("  DBCount  : %d\n",List.DBCount);   printf("  SDBCount : %d\n",List.SDBCount);    };}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// CPU Info : catalog//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void OrderCode(){     TS7OrderCode Info;     int res=Client->GetOrderCode(&Info);     if (Check(res,"Catalog"))     {          printf("  Order Code : %s\n",Info.Code);          printf("  Version    : %d.%d.%d\n",Info.V1,Info.V2,Info.V3);     };}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// CPU Info : unit info//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void CpuInfo(){     TS7CpuInfo Info;     int res=Client->GetCpuInfo(&Info);     if (Check(res,"Unit Info"))     {          printf("  Module Type Name : %s\n",Info.ModuleTypeName);          printf("  Serial Number    : %s\n",Info.SerialNumber);          printf("  AS Name          : %s\n",Info.ASName);          printf("  Module Name      : %s\n",Info.ModuleName);     };}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// CP Info//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void CpInfo(){     TS7CpInfo Info;     int res=Client->GetCpInfo(&Info);     if (Check(res,"Communication processor Info"))     {          printf("  Max PDU Length   : %d bytes\n",Info.MaxPduLengt);          printf("  Max Connections  : %d \n",Info.MaxConnections);          printf("  Max MPI Rate     : %d bps\n",Info.MaxMpiRate);          printf("  Max Bus Rate     : %d bps\n",Info.MaxBusRate);     };}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// PLC Status//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void UnitStatus(){     int res=0;     int Status=Client->PlcStatus();     if (Check(res,"CPU Status"))     {          switch (Status)          {              case S7CpuStatusRun : printf("  RUN\n"); break;              case S7CpuStatusStop: printf("  STOP\n"); break;              default             : printf("  UNKNOWN\n"); break;          }     };}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Upload DB0 (surely exists in AG)//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void UploadDB0(){     int Size = sizeof(Buffer); // Size is IN/OUT par                                // In input it tells the client the size available                                // In output it tells us how many bytes were uploaded.     int res=Client->Upload(Block_SDB, 0, &Buffer, &Size);     if (Check(res,"Block Upload (SDB 0)"))     {          printf("Dump (%d bytes) :\n",Size);          hexdump(&Buffer,Size);     }}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Async Upload DB0 (using callback as completion trigger)//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void AsCBUploadDB0(){     int Size = sizeof(Buffer); // Size is IN/OUT par                                // In input it tells the client the size available                                // In output it tells us how many bytes were uploaded.     JobDone=false;     int res=Client->AsUpload(Block_SDB, 0, &Buffer, &Size);          if (res==0)     {         while (!JobDone)         {             SysSleep(100);         }         res=JobResult;     }         if (Check(res,"Async (callback) Block Upload (SDB 0)"))     {          printf("Dump (%d bytes) :\n",Size);          hexdump(&Buffer,Size);     }}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Async Upload DB0 (using event wait as completion trigger)//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void AsEWUploadDB0(){     int Size = sizeof(Buffer); // Size is IN/OUT par                                // In input it tells the client the size available                                // In output it tells us how many bytes were uploaded.     JobDone=false;     int res=Client->AsUpload(Block_SDB, 0, &Buffer, &Size);          if (res==0)     {         res=Client->WaitAsCompletion(3000);     }         if (Check(res,"Async (Wait event) Block Upload (SDB 0)"))     {          printf("Dump (%d bytes) :\n",Size);          hexdump(&Buffer,Size);     }}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Async Upload DB0 (using polling as completion trigger)//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void AsPOUploadDB0(){     int Size = sizeof(Buffer); // Size is IN/OUT par                                // In input it tells the client the size available                                // In output it tells us how many bytes were uploaded.     JobDone=false;     int res=Client->AsUpload(Block_SDB, 0, &Buffer, &Size);          if (res==0)     {         while (!Client->CheckAsCompletion(&res))         {             SysSleep(100);         };              }         if (Check(res,"Async (polling) Block Upload (SDB 0)"))     {          printf("Dump (%d bytes) :\n",Size);          hexdump(&Buffer,Size);     }}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Read a sample SZL Block//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void ReadSzl_0011_0000(){     PS7SZL SZL = PS7SZL(&Buffer);  // use our buffer casted as TS7SZL     int Size = sizeof(Buffer);     // Block ID 0x0011 IDX 0x0000 normally exists in every CPU     int res=Client->ReadSZL(0x0011, 0x0000, SZL, &Size);     if (Check(res,"Read SZL - ID : 0x0011, IDX 0x0000"))     {        printf("  LENTHDR : %d\n",SZL->Header.LENTHDR);        printf("  N_DR    : %d\n",SZL->Header.N_DR);        printf("Dump (%d bytes) :\n",Size);        hexdump(&Buffer,Size);     }}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Unit Connection//------------------------------------------------------------------------------bool CliConnect(){    Client->SetConnectionType(3);    int res = Client->ConnectTo(Address,Rack,Slot);    if (Check(res,"UNIT Connection")) {          printf("  Connected to   : %s (Rack=%d, Slot=%d)\n",Address,Rack,Slot);          printf("  PDU Requested  : %d bytes\n",Client->PDURequested());          printf("  PDU Negotiated : %d bytes\n",Client->PDULength());    };    return res==0;}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Unit Disconnection//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void CliDisconnect(){     Client->Disconnect();}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Perform readonly tests, no cpu status modification//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void PerformTests(){     OrderCode();     CpuInfo();     CpInfo();     UnitStatus();     ReadSzl_0011_0000();     UploadDB0();     AsCBUploadDB0();     AsEWUploadDB0();     AsPOUploadDB0();     MultiRead();}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Tests Summary//------------------------------------------------------------------------------void Summary(){    printf("\n");    printf("+-----------------------------------------------------\n");    printf("| Test Summary \n");    printf("+-----------------------------------------------------\n");    printf("| Performed : %d\n",(ok+ko));    printf("| Passed    : %d\n",ok);    printf("| Failed    : %d\n",ko);    printf("+----------------------------------------[press a key]\n");    getchar();}float GetPLCData(){    float value0 = 0;    byte value1[4]= {0};    Client->DBRead(1,1244,4,value1);    *((byte*)&value0 + 0) = value1[3];    *((byte*)&value0 + 1) = value1[2];    *((byte*)&value0 + 2) = value1[1];    *((byte*)&value0 + 3) = value1[0];            return value0;}//------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Main              //------------------------------------------------------------------------------float s7_main(){        float result = 0;                Client = new TS7Client();        Client->SetConnectionType(3);        Client->ConnectTo("", 0, 1); //PLC的IP地址,機架號,插槽號                        OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_INFO, 0xFF00, "PluginManager", "[S7 CONNECT]Connected");                if(Client->Connected() == true){            OH_LOG_Print(LOG_APP, LOG_INFO, 0xFF00, "PluginManager", "[S7 CONNECT]連接成功");        }                float value0 = 0;        byte value1[4]= {0};        Client->DBRead(1,1111,4,value1);        *((byte*)&value0 + 0) = value1[3];        *((byte*)&value0 + 1) = value1[2];        *((byte*)&value0 + 2) = value1[1];        *((byte*)&value0 + 3) = value1[0];            result = value0;                                delete Client;            return result;}






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